Wednesday, 14 December 2011


I used a barcode generator to make the barcode for my music magazine.

Photoshop Practice

 This is the image before i edited it in photo shop.

This is the image after i editied it, I made her made pourcelaine skin, her skin looks more smooth and has no imperfesctions.

My Prezi

Friday, 2 December 2011

Names & Audience of my Magazine

Idea Names of my Magazine;
  • Louder
  • Note
  • M&L (Music and Lyrics)
  • Higher
  • Turn up
  • Sound
  • Party?
I want my audience to be in the age range of 16-25 year olds, my magzine is aimed at younger people because of the type of music it portrays. I want my readers to be interested in mainly R&B/pop becayse this is the type of musci my magazine shows. I am aiming my magazine to be at both male and female,, I dont think the type of music my magazine us about is just listened to a certain gender.